Archivematica 1.7.2 is a legacy release, and these documents are no longer being maintained.

Advanced installation options

On this page

Install for development

The recommended way to install Archivematica for development is with Docker. For instructions on how to deploy Archivematica in Docker containers, see the Archivematica Docker repo.

It’s also possible to deploy Archivematica using Ansible and Vagrant. For instructions on how to install Archivematica from a virtual machine, see the Ansible & Vagrant Installation instructions on the Archivematica wiki. See also instructions for installation on a virtual machine using Vagrant in the Quick Start Guide.

Installing across multiple machines

It is possible to spread Archivematica’s processing load across several machines by installing the following services on separate machines:

  • Elasticsearch
  • Gearman
  • MySQL

For help, ask on the Archivematica user forum for more details.


When installing Archivematica on multiple machines, the various Archivematica processes must be able to reach each other on the relevant ports. Your firewall configuration must allow for this.

In particular, please ensure that the Archivematica dashboard can talk to the Storage Service, and that the pipeline components (i.e., MCPServer, MCPClient) can talk to Gearman.

In addition, please ensure that the Elasticsearch (9200) and MySQL (3306) services are not exposed to the world.

The ports of the Archivematica components and related services are provided below.

  • Archivematica dashboard: 80 (81 for RPM-based installs)
  • Archivematica Storage Service: 8000 (8001 for RPM-based installs)
  • MySQL: 3306
  • Gearman: 4730
  • SSH: 22
  • Elasticsearch: 9200
  • NFS: 2049

Configure Archivematica with SSL

Archivematica can be configured for HTTPS following the sample configurations for dashboard and storage-service.

In order to obtain valid SSL certificates trusted by any browser, you can use Let’s Encrypt.

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