Archivematica 1.17.0 é nossa versão mais recente.

Storage Service API

The Storage Service API enables access to storage areas to which the Storage Service has access.

Resources and endpoints

Endpoints for the Storage Service API have been organized into the following resource categories:


A pipeline is a representation of an Archivematica installation that is assigned a unique universal identifier (UUID) when it is registered with the Storage Service. The UUID provides information about your server and all associated clients.

For each Storage Service API resource, you can display a detailed schema by adding “schema” to the get all URL like in the following example:

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:95141fc645ed97a95893f1f865d24687f89a27ad" \

   "allowed_detail_http_methods": [
   "allowed_list_http_methods": [
   "default_format": "application/json",
   "default_limit": 20,
   "fields": {
       "description": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "No default provided.",
           "help_text": "Unicode string data. Ex: \"Hello World\"",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": true,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "description"
       "enabled": {
           "blank": true,
           "default": true,
           "help_text": "True if space can be accessed.",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "type": "boolean",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "Enabled"
       "path": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "No default provided.",
           "help_text": "Unicode string data. Ex: \"Hello World\"",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": true,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "path"
       "pipeline": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "No default provided.",
           "help_text": "Many related resources. Can be either a list of URIs
           or list of individually nested resource data.",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "related_schema": "/api/v2/pipeline/schema/",
           "related_type": "to_many",
           "type": "related",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "pipeline"
       "purpose": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "No default provided.",
           "help_text": "Purpose of the space.  Eg. AIP storage, Transfer
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "Purpose"
       "quota": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": null,
           "help_text": "Size, in bytes (optional)",
           "nullable": true,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "Quota"
       "relative_path": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "",
           "help_text": "Path to location, relative to the storage space's
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "Relative Path"
       "resource_uri": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "No default provided.",
           "help_text": "Unicode string data. Ex: \"Hello World\"",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": true,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "resource uri"
       "space": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": "No default provided.",
           "help_text": "A single related resource. Can be either a URI or
           set of nested resource data.",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "related_schema": "/api/v2/space/schema/",
           "related_type": "to_one",
           "type": "related",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "space"
       "used": {
           "blank": false,
           "default": 0,
           "help_text": "Amount used, in bytes.",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": false,
           "verbose_name": "Used"
       "uuid": {
           "blank": true,
           "default": "",
           "help_text": "Unique identifier",
           "nullable": false,
           "primary_key": false,
           "readonly": false,
           "type": "string",
           "unique": true,
           "verbose_name": "uuid"
   "filtering": {
       "pipeline": 2,
       "purpose": 1,
       "quota": 1,
       "relative_path": 1,
       "space": 2,
       "used": 1,
       "uuid": 1

This schema, among other things, describes the fields in the resource (including the schema URI of related resource fields) and the fields that allow filtering. Valid filtering values are: Django ORM filters (e.g. startswith, exact, lte, etc.) or 1 or 2. If a filtering field is set to 2 it can be filtered over the related resource fields. For example, the locations could be filtered by their pipeline UUID setting it in a request parameter formatted with two underscore chars: /api/v2/location/?pipeline__uuid=<uuid>

For more info on how to interact with the API see:

Get all pipelines

GET /api/v2/pipeline/ Retrieves information about all pipelines in the system.

Query string parameters:

description Description of the pipeline.
uuid UUID associated with the pipeline.

Response definitions (JSON):

Returns information about all the pipelines in the system. Can be filtered by the description or uuid. Disabled pipelines are not returned.

meta Metadata on the response: number of hits, pagination information.
objects List of pipelines. See Get pipeline details for format.

Example request:

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:95141fc645ed97a95893f1f865d24687f89a27ad"
        'http://localhost:8000/api/v2/pipeline/?description__startswith=Archivematica' \
            | python -m json.tool

Example response:

    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 1
    "objects": [
            "description": "Archivematica on alouette",
            "remote_name": "",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/pipeline/dd354557-9e6e-4918-9fe3-a65b00ecb1af/",
            "uuid": "dd354557-9e6e-4918-9fe3-a65b00ecb1af"

Create new pipeline

POST /api/v2/pipeline/ Creates a new pipeline.

Request body parameters (accepts JSON strings as parameter values):

uuid UUID of the new pipeline.
description Pipeline description.
api_key API key associated with user for authorization.
api_username Username of admin authorized to write to the storage location.
create_default_locations If True, will associated default Locations with the newly created pipeline.
shared_path If default locations are created, create the processing location at this path in the local filesystem.

URI of the pipeline.

Note: Before v0.11.0: If create_default_locations is set, SS will try to guess the value using the REMOTE_ADDR header.

In v0.11.0 or newer: If not provided, SS will try to guess the value using the REMOTE_ADDR header.

Example request:

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:95141fc645ed97a95893f1f865d24687f89a27ad" \
    --headaer "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{
      "uuid": "99354557-9e6e-4918-9fe3-a65b00ecb199", \
      "description": "Test pipeline", "create_default_locations": true, \
      "api_username": "demo", \
      "api_key": "03ecb307f5b8012f4771d245d534830378a87259" \
    }' \

Example response:

   "create_default_locations": true,
   "description": "Test pipeline",
   "remote_name": "",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v2/pipeline/99354557-9e6e-4918-9fe3-a65b00ecb199/",
   "uuid": "99354557-9e6e-4918-9fe3-a65b00ecb199"

Get pipeline details

GET /api/v2/pipeline/<uuid> Retrieves information about all pipelines in the system.

Response definitions (JSON):

description General statement about the pipeline.
remote_name IP or hostname of the pipeline for use in API calls.
resource_uri URI for this pipeline in the API.
uuid UUID of the pipeline.

Example request:

curl --location --request GET '
api/v2/pipeline/?uuid=a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey test-user:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee6EiHeev9u' \
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=sb52U8S35EpdB2T1K4lWXFl5jNnOrXrA'

Example response (JSON body):

    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 1
    "objects": [
            "description": "Archivematica on Test-machine",
            "remote_name": "",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "uuid": "a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04"


A storage space contains all the information necessary to connect to the physical storage. It is where the files are stored. Protocol-specific information, like an NFS export path and hostname, or the username of a system accessible only via SSH, is stored here. All locations must be contained in a space.

Get all spaces

GET /api/v2/space/ Retrieves information about all the spaces in the system. Can be filtered by several fields: access protocol, path, size, amount used, UUID and verified status. Disabled spaces are not returned.

Query string parameters:

access_protocol Protocol that the space uses; must be searched based on the database code.
path Space’s path.
size Maximum size in bytes. Can use greater than (size__gt=1024), less than (size__lt=1024), and other Django field lookups.
used Bytes stored in this space. Can use greater than (size__gt=1024), less than (size__lt=1024), and other Django field lookups.
uuid UUID of the space.

Response definitions (JSON):

meta Metadata on the response: number of hits, pagination information.
objects List of spaces.

Example request:

curl --location --request GET '
api/v2/space/' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey test-user:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee6EiHeev9u' \
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=sb52U8S35EpdB2T1K4lWXFl5jNnOrXrA'

Example response (JSON):

    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 1
    "objects": [
            "access_protocol": "FS",
            "id": 1,
            "last_verified": null,
            "path": "/",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "size": null,
            "space": "218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f",
            "used": "186549173",
            "uuid": "218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f",
            "verified": false

Get space details

GET /api/v2/space/<UUID>/ Returns space-specific details.

Response definitions (JSON):

access_protocol Database code for the access protocol.
last verified Date of last verification; this is a stub feature.
path Space’s path.
resource_uri URI to the resource in the API.
size Maximum size of the space in bytes.
used Bytes stored in this space.
uuid UUID of the space.
verified If the space is verified, this is a stub feature.

Example request:

curl --location --request GET '
api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey test-user:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee6EiHeev9u' \
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=sb52U8S35EpdB2T1K4lWXFl5jNnOrXrA'

Example response (JSON):

    "access_protocol": "FS",
    "id": 1,
    "last_verified": null,
    "path": "/",
    "resource_uri": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
    "size": null,
    "space": "218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f",
    "used": "186549173",
    "uuid": "218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f",
    "verified": false

Browse space path

GET /api/v2/space/<UUID>/browse/ Gets details about the space path and directory structure.

Query string parameters:

path Path inside the Space to look.

Response definitions (JSON):

entries List of entries at path, files or directories.
directories List of directories in path. Subset of entries.

Example request:

curl --location --request GET '
api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey test-user:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee6EiHeev9u' \
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=sb52U8S35EpdB2T1K4lWXFl5jNnOrXrA'

Example response (JSON):

    "access_protocol": "FS",
    "id": 1,
    "last_verified": null,
    "path": "/",
    "resource_uri": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
    "size": null,
    "space": "218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f",
    "used": "186549173",
    "uuid": "218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f",
    "verified": false

Create space

POST /api/v2/space/ Creates a new space.

Request body parameters:

Parameters should contain fields for a new space: See Access protocols documentation for fields relevant to each type of space. Basic fields for each Access Protocols are listed below.

access_protocol This defines the type of space.
path Absolute path to the space on the local filesystem.
size (Optional) Maximum size allowed for this space. Set to 0 or leave blank for unlimited.
staging_path The absolute path to a staging area. Must be UNIX filesystem compatible and preferably will be located on the same filesystem as the path.

Example (to create an S3 space):

curl \
    --request POST \
    --data @payload.json \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:test" \

Where payload.json contains:

  "access_protocol": "S3",
  "path": "",
  "staging_path": "/",
  "endpoint_url": "",
  "access_key_id": "_Cah4cae1_",
  "secret_access_key": "_Thu6Ahqu_",
  "region": "us-west-2",
  "bucket": "bucket_name"


Endpoint returns all paths base64 encoded.

Access protocols


Archipelago is currently supported for AIP Storage locations. Archipelago is built on the content management system Drupal, which accepts JSON API calls to create new entities. Basic fields for Archipelago space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

archipelago_url The hostname of the Archipelago web instance or IP address with port, e.g.
archipelago_user Archipelago username with write access required.
archipelago_password Archipelago password with write access required.


Archivematica can use Arkivum’s A-Stor as an access protocol in version 0.7 and higher. Basic fields for Arkivum space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

host The hostname of the Arkivum web instance or IP address with port, e.g.
remote_user Username on the remote machine accessible via passwordless ssh.
remote_name Name or IP of the remote machine.


Dataverse Integration is supported with Archivematica v1.8 (and higher) and Storage Service v0.13 (and higher). Basic fields for Dataverse space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

host The hostname of the Dataverse web instance or IP address with port, e.g.
api_key API key for Dataverse instance.
agent_name A string that will be used in Archivematica METS file to identify this Dataverse instance as a PREMIS agent, e.g. My Institution’s Dataverse Instance.
agent_type A string that will be used in Archivematica METS file to identify the type of PREMIS agent named above, e.g. organization.Name or IP of the remote machine.
agent_identifier A string that will be used as an identifier in the Archivematica METS file to uniquely identify the PREMIS agent named above.


Archivematica can use DuraCloud as an access protocol for the Storage Service in version 0.5 and higher. Basic fields for a DuraCloud space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

host The hostname of the Duracloud web instance or IP address with port, e.g.
user The username for the Archivematica user that you created in DuraCloud.
password The password for the Archivematica user that you created in DuraCloud.
duraspace The name of the space within DuraCloud.

DSpace via SWORD2 API

DSpace via SWORD2 locations are currently supported only for AIP Storage locations. Basic fields for a DSpace are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

sd_iri URL of the service document. E.g., where servicedocument is the handle to the community or collection being used for deposit.
user A username for the DSpace instance with sufficient permissions to permit authentication.
password The password for the Dspace user that you created.
metadata_policy Use to restrict access to the metadata bitstream. Must be specified as a list of objects in JSON, e.g. [{"action":"READ","groupId":"5","rpType":"TYPE_CUSTOM"}].
archive_format Archive format, e.g. ZIP, 7z.

DSpace via REST API

DSpace via REST API locations are supported for both AIP and DIP Storage locations. Basic fields for a DSpace via REST API space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

ds_rest_url URL to the “REST” webapp. E.g. http://localhost:8080/rest/; for production systems, this address will be slightly different, such as:
ds_user A username for the DSpace instance with sufficient permissions to permit authentication.
ds_password The password for the Dspace user that you created.
ds_dip_collection UUID of default DSpace collection for the DIP to be deposited.
ds_aip_collection UUID of default DSpace collection for the AIP to be deposited.
as_url URL to the ArchiveSpace server. E.g.:
as_user ArchivesSpace username to authenticate as.
as_password ArchivesSpace password to authenticate with.
as_repository Identifier of the default ArchivesSpace repository.
as_archival_object Identifier of the default ArchivesSpace archival object.
upload_to_tsm Boolean true or false. Default is false. will attempt to send the AIP to the Tivoli Storage Manager using command-line client dsmc
verify_ssl Boolean true or false. Default is true.

Fedora via SWORD2

Basic fields for a Fedora space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

fedora_user Fedora user name (for SWORD functionality).
fedora_password Fedora password (for SWORD functionality).
fedora_name Name or IP of the remote Fedora machine.

GPG encryption on Local Filesystem

Creating a GPG encryption space will allow users to create encrypted AIPs and transfers. Basic fields for a local file system space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

key The encryption key to be used for the space.

Local Filesystem

Local Filesystem spaces handle storage that is available locally on the machine running the Storage Service. Basic fields for a local file system space are listed in Create space


Archivematica can store AIPs in a LOCKSS network via LOCKSS-O-Matic. Basic fields for a LOCKSS space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

sd_iri The URL of the LOCKSS-o-matic service document IRI, e.g.
content_provider_id On-Behalf-Of value when communicating with LOCKSS-o-matic.
external_domain Base URL for this server that LOCKSS will be able to access.
keep_local Boolean true or false. Default is true.


NFS spaces are for NFS exports mounted on the Storage Service server and the Archivematica pipeline. Basic fields for a NFS space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

remote_name Name of the NFS server.
remote_path Path on the NFS server to the export.
version Type of the filesystem, e.g. nfs or nfs4
manually_mounted Boolean true or false. Default is false.

Pipeline Local Filesystem

Pipeline Local Filesystems refer to the storage that is local to the Archivematica pipeline, but remote to the Storage Service. Basic fields for a Pipeline Local Filesystem space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

remote_user The username on the remote host.
remote_name Name or IP of the remote machine.
assume_rsync_daemon Boolean true or false. Default is false.
rsync_password The password for the rsync daemon.


Rclone is a command-line program to manage files in cloud storage, and is available as an access protocol in Storage Service 0.20 and higher. Basic fields for a Rclone space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

remote_name Remote name for the rclone configuration to use with this Space.
container Container or bucket name to use in configured remote.


OpenStack’s Swift is available as an access protocol in Storage Service 0.7 and higher. Basic fields for a Swift space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

auth_url The URL to authenticate against.
auth_version The OpenStack authentication version. Default is 2.
username Username to authenticate as. E.g.
password Password to authenticate with.
container The name of the Swift container.
tenant The tenant/account name.
region The region in Swift. This field is optional.

S3 (Amazon)

Amazon S3 is available as an access protocol as of Storage Service version 0.12. Basic fields for a S3(Amazon) space are listed in Create space

Request body parameters:

endpoint_url The URL of the S3 endpoint, e.g.
access_key_id The public key generated by S3.
secret_access_key The secret key generated by S3.
region The region that the S3 instance uses, e.g. us-east-2.
bucket The name of the designated S3 Bucket.


A location is a subdivision of a space. Each location is assigned a specific purpose, such as AIP storage, DIP storage, transfer source or transfer backlog, in order to provide an organized way to structure content within a space.

Get all locations

GET /api/v2/location/ Returns space-specific details.

Example request:

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:95141fc645ed97a95893f1f865d24687f89a27ad" \

Example response:

    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 7
    "objects": [
            "description": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/home",
            "pipeline": [
            "purpose": "TS",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "home",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/a48e2a56-bae7-4b63-824e-b886bbadd77d/",
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "0",
            "uuid": "a48e2a56-bae7-4b63-824e-b886bbadd77d"
            "description": "Store AIP in standard Archivematica Directory",
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore",
            "pipeline": [
            "purpose": "AS",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "179586607",
            "uuid": "6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6"
            "description": "Store DIP in standard Archivematica Directory",
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/DIPsStore",
            "pipeline": [
            "purpose": "DS",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/DIPsStore",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/8b70e21b-57a3-46f1-baee-c8c48fb6383c/",
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "6773558",
            "uuid": "8b70e21b-57a3-46f1-baee-c8c48fb6383c"
            "description": "Default transfer backlog",
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/transferBacklog",
            "pipeline": [
            "purpose": "BL",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/\
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/0da78c11-4ea7-4c52-8114-d39980e5\
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "189008",
            "uuid": "0da78c11-4ea7-4c52-8114-d39980e5ad2b"
            "description": "For storage service internal usage.",
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/var/archivematica/storage_service",
            "pipeline": [],
            "purpose": "SS",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "var/archivematica/storage_service",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/5bf813d0-5663-4025-aac3-956ed1403790/",
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "0",
            "uuid": "5bf813d0-5663-4025-aac3-956ed1403790"
            "description": "Default AIP recovery",
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/var/archivematica/storage_service/recover",
            "pipeline": [
            "purpose": "AR",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "var/archivematica/storage_service/recover",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/e26a003e-361c-45ad-b82e-185faabc\
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "0",
            "uuid": "e26a003e-361c-45ad-b82e-185faabc7a2d"
            "description": null,
            "enabled": true,
            "path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory",
            "pipeline": [
            "purpose": "CP",
            "quota": null,
            "relative_path": "var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/",
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/6f99d6c7-65ff-4966-993d-92a40df4\
            "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
            "used": "0",
            "uuid": "6f99d6c7-65ff-4966-993d-92a40df4a072"

Create new location

POST /api/v2/location/

Added in v0.12 - see issue `367 <>`_ and issue `37 <>`_.

This endpoint creates a location in the storage service, but it doesn’t actually create the directory to which the location points.

Request body parameters:

description Information about the space.
pipeline URI of the pipeline.
space URI of the space.
default If ‘true’ this location will be the default for it’s purpose.

Accepts the following possible values:










relative_path Relative to the space’s path.


curl \
  --request POST \
  --silent \
  --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:test" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
      "pipeline": ["/api/v2/pipeline/90707555-244f-47af-8271-66496a6a965b/"],
      "purpose": "TS",
      "relative_path": "foo/bar",
      "description": "foobar",
      "space": "/api/v2/space/141593ff-2a27-44a1-9de1-917573fa0f4a/"
    }' \

Get location details

GET /api/v2/location/<UUID>/ Returns space-specific details.

Example request:

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header 'Authorization: ApiKey test_user:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee3EiHeev6u' \

Example response:

    "description": "Default AIP recovery",
    "enabled": true,
    "path": "/var/archivematica/storage_service/recover",
    "pipeline": [
    "purpose": "AR",
    "quota": null,
    "relative_path": "var/archivematica/storage_service/recover",
    "resource_uri": "/api/v2/location/e26a003e-361c-45ad-b82e-185faabc7a4d/",
    "space": "/api/v2/space/218caeb7-fd59-4b7b-99b1-f5771a2dd34f/",
    "used": "0",
    "uuid": "e26a003e-361c-45ad-b82e-185faabc7a2d"

Move files to this location

POST /api/v2/location/<UUID>/ Move files to specified pipeline location.

Request body parameters:

origin_location UUID of the pipeline on which to reingest AIP.
pipeline URI of the pipeline. Both Locations must be associated with this pipeline.
files List of dicts containing source and destination. The source and destination are paths relative to their Location of the files to be moved.


Intended for use with creating Transfers, SIPs, etc and other cases where files need to be moved but not tracked by the storage service.

Browse location path

GET /api/v2/location/<UUID>/browse/ Returns location paths that are base64 encoded.

Query string parameters:

entries List of entries in path, files or directories.
directories List of directories in path. Subset of entries.

SWORD collection

GET, POST /api/v2/location/<UUID>/ sword/collection Part of the Archivematica storage service REST API. The Storage Service also talks to the Archivematica dashboard, however, to notify it that a transfer created from a SWORD deposit has been approved for processing.

The Archivematica Sword API enables 3rd party applications to automate the process of creating Transfers.

1. Create Transfer - set the name and other metadata about a Transfer Populate Transfer - add/edit/update digital objects in a Transfer, and associated metadata.

2. Finalize Transfer - indicates that the Transfer is ready to start processing. After content has been deposited, if users have access to the deposit directory they can also manually manipulate the deposit directory aside from any manipulation using the API.

3. Once a Transfer has been created, populated and finalized, Archivematica will begin processing that Transfer.

Example request:

curl \
    --location \
    --request GET \

Example response:

    "directories": [
    "entries": [
    "properties": {
        "MTk5OA==": {
            "object count": 1
        "MjdkOQ==": {
            "object count": 1
        "MmM0Yg==": {
            "object count": 1
        "MmNkMA==": {
            "object count": 1
        "OTE0NA==": {
            "object count": 1
        "YjdlZg==": {
            "object count": 1
        "ZTA1Mg==": {
            "object count": 1
        "dHJhbnNmZXJCYWNrbG9n": {
            "object count": 34


A package is a bundle of one or more files transferred from an external service; for example, a package may be an AIP, a backlogged transfer, or a DIP. Each package is stored in a location.

Get all packages

GET /api/v2/file/ Retrieves information about all packages for all available storage locations.

Example request:

curl \
    --location \
    --request GET \
    --header 'Authorization: ApiKey test_user:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee3EiHeev6u' \

Example response:

    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 11
    "objects": [
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/27d9/8723/a8f2/490b/9116/88c5/a555/9ca2/img-2-27d98723-a8f2-490b-9116-88c5a5559ca2.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "27d9/8723/a8f2/490b/9116/88c5/a555/9ca2/img-2-27d98723-a8f2-490b-9116-88c5a5559ca2.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {
                "reingest_pipeline": null
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/27d98723-a8f2-490b-9116-88c5a5559ca2/",
            "size": 11444115,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "27d98723-a8f2-490b-9116-88c5a5559ca2"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/b7ef/c3ad/81dc/4581/b630/f7ed/5ca8/01ce/images-b7efc3ad-81dc-4581-b630-f7ed5ca801ce.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "b7ef/c3ad/81dc/4581/b630/f7ed/5ca8/01ce/images-b7efc3ad-81dc-4581-b630-f7ed5ca801ce.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {
                "reingest_pipeline": null
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/b7efc3ad-81dc-4581-b630-f7ed5ca801ce/",
            "size": 11447220,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "b7efc3ad-81dc-4581-b630-f7ed5ca801ce"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/9144/66c1/d89d/4232/b583/7dcd/631f/d08a/test-914466c1-d89d-4232-b583-7dcd631fd08a.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "9144/66c1/d89d/4232/b583/7dcd/631f/d08a/test-914466c1-d89d-4232-b583-7dcd631fd08a.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/914466c1-d89d-4232-b583-7dcd631fd08a/",
            "size": 43609598,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "914466c1-d89d-4232-b583-7dcd631fd08a"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/1998/acb4/c6d8/439f/8e74/7285/ba15/012d/i2-1998acb4-c6d8-439f-8e74-7285ba15012d.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "1998/acb4/c6d8/439f/8e74/7285/ba15/012d/i2-1998acb4-c6d8-439f-8e74-7285ba15012d.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {
                "reingest_pipeline": null
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/1998acb4-c6d8-439f-8e74-7285ba15012d/",
            "size": 11408327,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "1998acb4-c6d8-439f-8e74-7285ba15012d"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/2cd0/575f/5e0b/4d2f/bd00/7e0b/254e/0802/mc-test-2cd0575f-5e0b-4d2f-bd00-7e0b254e0802.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "2cd0/575f/5e0b/4d2f/bd00/7e0b/254e/0802/mc-test-2cd0575f-5e0b-4d2f-bd00-7e0b254e0802.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/2cd0575f-5e0b-4d2f-bd00-7e0b254e0802/",
            "size": 11416388,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "2cd0575f-5e0b-4d2f-bd00-7e0b254e0802"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/DIPsStore/855e/14e9/2921/4b51/be77/0afd/bdc1/6aeb/mc-test-2cd0575f-5e0b-4d2f-bd00-7e0b254e0802",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/8b70e21b-57a3-46f1-baee-c8c48fb6383c/",
            "current_path": "855e/14e9/2921/4b51/be77/0afd/bdc1/6aeb/mc-test-2cd0575f-5e0b-4d2f-bd00-7e0b254e0802",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "DIP",
            "related_packages": [
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/855e14e9-2921-4b51-be77-0afdbdc16aeb/",
            "size": 3386601,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "855e14e9-2921-4b51-be77-0afdbdc16aeb"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/transferBacklog/originals/test_bag-cdc18f4b-e859-4244-9c42-c575b69e92fe",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/0da78c11-4ea7-4c52-8114-d39980e5ad2b/",
            "current_path": "originals/test_bag-cdc18f4b-e859-4244-9c42-c575b69e92fe",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "transfer",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/cdc18f4b-e859-4244-9c42-c575b69e92fe/",
            "size": 189008,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "cdc18f4b-e859-4244-9c42-c575b69e92fe"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/e052/5606/c710/4380/9c98/fdb4/3e77/c0ba/demo_images-e0525606-c710-4380-9c98-fdb43e77c0ba.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "e052/5606/c710/4380/9c98/fdb4/3e77/c0ba/demo_images-e0525606-c710-4380-9c98-fdb43e77c0ba.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/e0525606-c710-4380-9c98-fdb43e77c0ba/",
            "size": 11414225,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "e0525606-c710-4380-9c98-fdb43e77c0ba"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/DIPsStore/578f/ec0b/4d6e/4725/8649/e03b/e6ab/7425/demo_images-e0525606-c710-4380-9c98-fdb43e77c0ba",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/8b70e21b-57a3-46f1-baee-c8c48fb6383c/",
            "current_path": "578f/ec0b/4d6e/4725/8649/e03b/e6ab/7425/demo_images-e0525606-c710-4380-9c98-fdb43e77c0ba",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "DIP",
            "related_packages": [
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/578fec0b-4d6e-4725-8649-e03be6ab7425/",
            "size": 3386957,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "578fec0b-4d6e-4725-8649-e03be6ab7425"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/2c4b/a224/5889/4a07/a6ca/8323/5ad1/82e0/metadata-2c4ba224-5889-4a07-a6ca-83235ad182e0.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "2c4b/a224/5889/4a07/a6ca/8323/5ad1/82e0/metadata-2c4ba224-5889-4a07-a6ca-83235ad182e0.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/2c4ba224-5889-4a07-a6ca-83235ad182e0/",
            "size": 78948258,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "2c4ba224-5889-4a07-a6ca-83235ad182e0"
            "current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/9390/594f/84c2/457d/bd6a/618f/21f7/c954/cf-1-9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954.7z",
            "current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
            "current_path": "9390/594f/84c2/457d/bd6a/618f/21f7/c954/cf-1-9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954.7z",
            "encrypted": false,
            "misc_attributes": {},
            "origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
            "package_type": "AIP",
            "related_packages": [],
            "replicas": [],
            "replicated_package": null,
            "resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954/",
            "size": 11417385,
            "status": "UPLOADED",
            "uuid": "9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954"

Create new package

POST /api/v2/file/

Creates a database entry tracking the package (AIP, transfer, etc). If the package is an AIP, DIP or AIC and the current_location is an AIP or DIP storage location it also moves the files from the source to destination location. If the package is a Transfer and the current_location is transfer backlog, it is also moved.

This is handled through the modified obj_create function, which calls Package.store_aip or Package.backlog_transfer.

Query string parameters:

uuid UUID of the new package.
origin_location URI of the Location where the package is currently.
origin_path Path to the package, relative to the origin_location.
current_location URI of the Location where the package should be stored.
current_path Path where the package should be stored, relative to the current_location.
package_type Type of package this is. One of: AIP, AIC, DIP, transfer, SIP, file, deposit.
size Size of the package.
origin_pipeline URI of the pipeline the package is from.
related_package_uuid UUID of a package that is related to this one. E.g. UUID of a DIP when storing an AIP

Get package details

GET /api/v2/file/<UUID> Retrieves information about a package.

Example request:

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header 'Authorization: ApiKey test:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee4EiHeav7u' \

Example response:

"current_full_path": "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/9390/594f/84c2/457d/bd6a/618f/21f7/c954/cf-1-9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954.7z",
"current_location": "/api/v2/location/6286affb-6a2b-4ac7-b81e-192d84ede4c6/",
"current_path": "9390/594f/84c2/457d/bd6a/618f/21f7/c954/cf-1-9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954.7z",
"encrypted": false,
"misc_attributes": {},
"origin_pipeline": "/api/v2/pipeline/a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04/",
"package_type": "AIP",
"related_packages": [],
"replicas": [],
"replicated_package": null,
"resource_uri": "/api/v2/file/9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954/",
"size": 11417385,
"status": "UPLOADED",
"uuid": "9390594f-84c2-457d-bd6a-618f21f7c954"

Update package contents

PUT /api/v2/file/<UUID>

Updates the contents of a package during reingest. If the package is an AIP or AIC, currently stored in an AIP storage location, and the ‘reingest’ parameter is set, it will call Package.finish_reingest and merge the new AIP with the existing one.

This is implemented using a modified obj_update which calls obj_update_hook.

Request body parameters:

reingest Flag to mark that this is reingest. Reduces chance to accidentally modify an AIP.
uuid UUID of the existing package.
origin_location URI of the Location where the package is currently.
origin_path Path to the package, relative to the origin_location.
current_location URI of the Location where the package should be stored
package_type Type of package this is. One of: AIP, AIC.
size Size of the package.
origin_pipeline URI of the pipeline the package is from. This must be the same pipeline reingest was started on (tracked through Package.misc_attributes.reingest_pipeline).

Update package metadata

PATCH /api/v2/file/<UUID> Updates the metadata stored in the database for the package. Currently, this is used to update the reingest status.


Currently, this always sets Package.misc_attributes.reingest to None, regardless of what value was actually passed in.

This is implemented using a modified obj_update which calls obj_update_hook. update_in_place also helps.

Delete package request

POST /api/v2/file/<UUID>/delete_aip/ Requests package deletion.

Request body parameters (mandatory):

event_reason Rationale for deleting the AIP.
pipeline UUID of the pipeline the delete request is from.
user_id User ID requesting the deletion. This is the ID of the user on the pipeline, and must be an integer greater than 0.
user_email Email of the user requesting the deletion.

Example request:

curl \
    --location \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Authorization: ApiKey test:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee4EiHeev2z' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "event_reason": "testing purposes",
    "pipeline": "a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04",
    "user_id": "1",
    "user_email": ""
    }' \

Example response:

    "message": "Delete request created successfully.",
    "id": 3

Recover AIP request

POST /api/v2/file/<UUID>/recover_aip/ Requests package recovery.

Request body parameters (mandatory):

event_reason Rationale for recovering the AIP.
pipeline URI of the pipeline the recovery request is from.
user_id User ID requesting the recovery. This is the ID of the user on the pipeline, and must be an integer greater than 0.
user_email Email of the user requesting the recovery.

Example request:

curl \
    --location \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Authorization: ApiKey test:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee4EiHeev2z' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "event_reason": "testing purposes",
    "pipeline": "a64e061a-5688-49b5-95c1-0b6885c40c04",
    "user_id": "1",
    "user_email": ""
    }' \

Example response:

    "message": "Recover request created successfully.",
    "id": 4

Download single file

GET, HEAD /api/v2/file/<UUID>/extract_file/ Checks if a package is locally available and returns a single file from the package.


(Future improvement) HEAD and GET should not perform the same functions. HEAD should be updated to not return the file, and to only check for existence. Currently, the storage service has no way to check if a file exists except by downloading and extracting this AIP.


Returns a single file from the Package. If the package is compressed, it downloads the whole AIP and extracts it.

This responds to HEAD because AtoM uses HEAD to check for the existence of a file.

If the package is in Arkivum, the package may not actually be available. This endpoint checks if the package is locally available. If it is, it is returned as normal. If not, it returns 202 and emails the administrator about the attempted access.

Download package



/api/v2/file/<UUID>/download/ <chunk number>/ (for LOCKSS harvesting)

Checks if a package is available and returns the entire package as a single file.

If the package is in Arkivum, the package may not actually be available. This endpoint checks if the package is locally available. If it is, it is returned as normal. If not, it returns 202 and emails the administrator about the attempted access.

Get pointer file

GET /api/v2/file/<UUID>/pointer_file/ Checks if a pointer file is available and returns the contents of the pointer file.

Check fixity

GET //api/v2/file/<UUID>/check_fixity/ Performs a bag check and updates the Storage Service database with the results of that check.

Query string parameters:

force_local If true, download and run fixity on the AIP locally, instead of using the Space-provided fixity if available.

Response definitions (JSON):

success True if the verification succeeded, False if the verification failed, None if the scan could not start.
message Human-readable string explaining the report; it will be empty for successful scans.
failures List of 0 or more errors.
timestamp ISO-formated string with the datetime of the last fixity check. If the check was performed by an external system, this will be provided by that system. If not provided,or on error, it will be None.

AIP storage callback request

GET /api/v2/file/<UUID>/send_callback/post_store/ Gets callbacks configured to run post-storage for given AIP.


In the Archivematica Storage Service versions 0.15 and above, this endpoint has been extended to support callbacks for AIP, AIC and DIP stored events.


When using this endpoint, AIPs must be locally stored for the API call to work properly currently.

Get file information for package

GET /api/v2/file/<UUID>/contents/ Retrieves metadata on every file within a package.

Response definitions (JSON):

success True.
package UUID of the package.

List of dictionaries with file information. Each dictionary has:

  • source_id - UUID of the file to index.
  • name - relative path of the file inside the package.
  • source_package - UUID of the SIP this file is from.
  • checksum - checksum of the file, or an empty string.
  • accessionid - Accession number, or an empty string.
  • origin - UUID of the Archivematica dashboard this is from.

Update file information for package

PUT /api/v2/file/<UUID>/contents/ Adds a set of files to a package.

Response definitions (JSON):

relative_path Relative path of the file inside the package.
fileuuid UUID of the file to index.
accessionid Accession number, or an empty string.
sipuuid UUID of the SIP this file is from.
origin UUID of the Archivematica dashboard this is from.

Delete file information for package

DELETE /api/v2/file/<UUID>/contents/ Removes all file records associated with this package.

Query file information on packages

GET, POST /api/v2/file/metadata/ Access or write file information about the files.

Response definitions (JSON):


List of dictionaries with information about files that match the query:

  • accessionid - accession number, or an empty string.
  • file_extension - file extension.
  • filename - name of the file, sans path.
  • relative_path - relative path of the file inside the package.
  • fileuuid - UUID of the file to index.
  • sipuuid - UUID of the SIP this file is from.
  • origin - UUID of the Archivematica dashboard this is from.

Reingest AIP

POST /api/v2/file/<UUID>/reingest/ Initiates an AIP reingest.

Example request:

curl -X POST \
  reingest/ \
  -H 'Authorization: ApiKey analyst:ow7ioGh2reephua8uPaiWee4EiHeev6u' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Host:' \
  -d '{

Request body parameters (JSON):

pipeline UUID of the pipeline on which to reingest AIP.
reingest_type One of METADATA_ONLY (metadata-only reingest), OBJECTS (partial reingest), FULL (full reingest).
processing_config Optional. Name of the processing configuration to use on full reingest.

Example response:

    "error": false,
    "message": "Package 868a7ecd-c31b-4773-ad6d-d736a35b8a6e sent to pipeline
    Archivematica on test-vm (85f9db99-b187-47c3-9b5b-abc123)
    for re-ingest",
    "reingest_uuid": "affa2d71-3fdb-423f-8fe2-91c8d5ecc324",
    "status_code": 202

Move package


This endpoint was introduced in the Storage Service version 0.14.

POST /api/v2/file/<UUID>/move/ Relocates a package.

Request body parameters (JSON):

location_uuid UUID of the location to send the package. The location must have the same Purpose as the package’s current location (e.g. AIP Storage, DIP Storage).

Example request:

curl \
    -d 'location_uuid=7c5c48d4-50db-4018-b4b1-7ed29d1ef9d3 ' \
    --header "Authorization: ApiKey test:4525fd5272275caeac04a28447698c51" \

SWORD endpoints

  • URL: /api/v2/file/<UUID>/sword/
  • URL: /api/v2/file/<UUID>/sword/media/
  • URL: /api/v2/file/<UUID>/sword/state/

Archivematica 1.17.0


Archivematica documentation by Artefactual Systems Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License