La versión Archivematica 1.10.2 es antigua y su documentación no se actualiza más.


Workflow settings

Many workflow choices are pre-configurable through the Administration tab of the Dashboard. Please see Processing configuration.

Some users have found processing economies by installing multiple Archivematica pipelines on separate VM’s, each with its own processing configuration specific to the type of material being processed through each pipeline.

Integration settings

Archivematica integrates with a number of different access and storage systems. Please see:

Add/edit users and passwords

Administrative users can add/edit users and update passwords. An administrative user does not need to be a systems administrator and can perform this function within the Archivematica dashboard Administration page.

Please see Users.

Add/edit PREMIS agents

Administrative users can add/edit PREMIS agents, which are recorded in the METS file to identify the agency performing digital preservation events. This should be configured before processing begins, and can be set through Archivematica dashboard Administration page.

Please see PREMIS agent.

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